Saturday, May 1, 2010

Lauren's 30th Birthday

Tanja, Neve, Brian, Josh and Gran


Auds and Ash

Me, Mom and Barbs listening to my candle singing happy brithday to me - Thanks Barbs!

Cutie li'l Amy O'Connor

And her big bro Matt

Dad taking Luke for a walk around the garden

Evil Uncle Brian sneaking Luke a sip of beer - HA! Caught in the act - the camera doesn't lie

Suna and Holly with my li'l man

Holly and Bronwen

Dave, Adriana, Ian and Dad

And to all my other friend who came but didn't feature in the blog - thanks guys! I blame my photographer! Daryn, Seth, Robyn, Di, Nick, Anna, Monique, Yolande, Danielle and Cuan - you guys rock :-)
I had a very special day

1 comment:

  1. Hi La! Happy 30th Birthday! Glad to see you had friends and family around to make you feel special. Your cake and table looked like it had a very interesting and something? With feathers? Looks like your creative touch anyway.

    Wish we could have been there!
    Love you loads,
